What is Private Real Estate?
Private real estate encompasses investment opportunities that are not available on an exchange, or otherwise generally available to the public. Many properties, land and assets are owned by sophisticated investors, including commingled investment funds, large institutional investors, and high/ultra-high-net-worth investors, among others. Real estate is commonly described by investment profile, sector type, and market strength. Each category has unique risk and return profiles and liquidity constraints to consider when reviewing an opportunity or when building a diversified real estate portfolio.
Real estate is often considered a diversifying complement to a traditional asset portfolio given the general risk and return dynamics of the asset class that has historically exhibited lower correlations with traditional asset class returns.
- Long-Term Investment Horizon: Investments in private real estate are typically made for long periods of time. This is reflective not only of the time it takes to source properties, but also the time necessary for a GP to unlock value within each portfolio property as part of their investment strategy.
- Active Management: Private real estate in general is an active strategy. Managers may acquire core property and passively manage them, but this still requires property management teams for leasing, maintenance, and other needs. Similarly, managers repositioning or developing assets must actively source properties and oversee the management and construction, lease them, and find buyers to exit.
- Proprietary Deal Sourcing: Sourcing real estate transactions can be very competitive in top markets like Austin, Texas or California. Many larger properties are transacted through brokers, which typically requires personal networks on the investment team. Many other deals are sourced off-market where there is no competitive auction for the property. Sourcing attractive deals at good valuations directly impacts value creation.
- Operational and Structural Improvements: Managers seek to create value within properties by either improving the operations of the property, such as lowering maintenance and property cost, or by improving occupancy rates. Developers seek to generate value through construction or structural improvements.

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